About Portsmouth Parent Voice (PPV)

What is a Parent Carer Forum?

- PPV – is part of the voluntary sector and is supported by the Local Authority, Department for Education and Health. We are under the umbrella of Home Start Portsmouth, who are a registered charity.

- PPV – is for YOU, the parent carer of a child or young person with an additional or special need and/or disability; aged from 0 – 25 years old, to voice your opinions on what you would like for your child or young person.

- PPV will assist you to find the right support or service you need. We will do this online or face to face.

- PPV aims to have the voice and active involvement of parent carers in the service planning and decision-making processes within the local authority. They will be involved in how services are shaped and delivered locally for families with a disabled child or young person, and to make them more focused on the needs of the families with disabled children and young people.

- This is YOUR opportunity to express your views about what your child or young person needs. Let us help to enable you to make your voice heard about what support your child or young person needs by contacting us either by text or email.

PPV commit to provide:

- Coffee morning/information session in partnership with CAMHS and the Portsmouth ND Team.

- Help to organise family activities and parent support groups face to face and online.

- A central texting service and e-mail address.

- A Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

- Links to other services and resources and training.

- Parent carer training.

- Parent Hubs within schools who are part of the NDIS Project.

- Attending events across the city to promote our service to families and professionals across Portsmouth.

- Feeding back parent carer views to services across the SEND strategy, by attending meetings, workshops and task and finish groups.

- We commit to working in coproduction to make sure the Portsmouth Local Offer website and Local Offer Live events meet the needs of parent carers and young people within Portsmouth.

Please note that we are an appointment only service. Please send us a message (Monday to Thursday 9.30am-2.30pm) term time only, to make an appointment.

HS Portsmouth

Portsmouth Parent Voice come under the umbrella of Home Start Portsmouth.